Comment by antpaw on Why are Unity iOS apps so big?
I'm not talking about unzipped sized when its installed. I'm talking about the download size. Textures are fine because they don't cause the same issues on android right?
View ArticleComment by antpaw on Why are Unity iOS apps so big?
thanks, i'm not allowed to give you the bounty yet by the system
View ArticleComment by antpaw on OpenAPI difference between CSharp and CSharp-NetCore...
i guess the better choice for me should be netcore because i'm going to use it with unity and unity does not support .net framework, thanks
View ArticleComment by antpaw on When refreshing a page on localhost, why does the file...
are you sure you have "cache disabled" checked in your browser's dev console settings?
View ArticleComment by antpaw on How can I remove the search bar and footer added by the...
@UmairAyub Thank you, I've included a solution for this problem in my answer.
View ArticleComment by antpaw on Threadsafty with HashMap and ScheduledExecutorService
Maybe I need to use newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor instead of newScheduledThreadPool ?
View ArticleComment by antpaw on Threadsafty with HashMap and ScheduledExecutorService
can you please explain why event.apply(changes); doesn't need a write lock?
View ArticleComment by antpaw on AWS step function stops executing instead of catch
thanks! Are you sure that I need to put it before DetectFace? Because only Recoginition can tell me whether there is a Face on the picture or not?
View ArticleComment by antpaw on How to throw an error at compile time for arguments...
Thanks, I've fixed the first sentence. And I've edited the code example to make more clear why its important to me to have this
View ArticleTable cellspacing with CSS
Is it possible to add spacing between the cells? <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><title>test</title><style> #wrap { display: table-row; /*...
View ArticleHow to add rollback functionality to a basic S3 CodeBuild deploy
I have followed this instruction to get a very basic ci workflow in aws. It works flawless but I want to have a extra functionality, rollback. First i though it would work "out-of-the-box", but not in...
View ArticleConvert a partial to method/block for speed
I have a loop that renders a partial1000.times do |i| render partial: 'test', locals: {i: i}endthis is really slow, up to 0.1 ms for foreach render call, even if the partial only prints out imy_partial...
View ArticleAnswer by antpaw for Is it possible to animate filter in Fabric.js?
Here is a updated version for the brightness filter var brightnessValue = 0.9; var brightnessFilter = new fabric.Image.filters.Brightness({ brightness: brightnessValue });...
View ArticleAnswer by antpaw for How to apply a dark blue filter on an slider image
Come to the world of <canvas> and this task will be a breeze. Eg. FarbicJS will give you a lot of filters, but make sure to custom build your lib so it doesn't get too big. Or choose from many...
View ArticleAnswer by antpaw for Will webpack with babel es2015 preset fix closure issues...
Make sure you are using env aka es2015 babelrc:{"presets": ["env"]}
View ArticleAnswer by antpaw for How to redirect user with POST data in ReactJS?
Create a form element and submit it. This is how jquery-ujs does it. Obviously you need to rewrite this basic code to react, but you get the idea. var href = body.success.message.redirect_url, form =...
View ArticleAnswer by antpaw for jquery Rest APi json
ObjectID is stored inside an["~Elements"][0]["~ObjectID"] // get objectId of first["~Elements"].forEach(function(element){ element["~ObjectId"]}) // iterate items
View ArticleCodePipeline Beanstalk Deploy Version
I have a straitforward CodePipeline setup shown here:There is almost zero configurations required with this pipeline. Artifact names, project names, that's it (and that's great). I get this error every...
View ArticleRails secure session and cookies are not working with a CDN
My setup looks like following: CloudFront CDN with https only and a EC2 Instnace orign http-only (all requests made to CloudFront are https, all requests made from CloudFront to ec2 are http)If I set...
View ArticleAnswer by antpaw for Rails secure session and cookies are not working with a CDN
Turns out Safari does send a Location header even if the form is hosted on the same domain and some other browsers don't. The location header value (cdn url) will not match with the application url...
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